Visitation Information
To schedule a visit please contact:
[email protected] or 774-366-7000.
Visitation Hours:
In-person visits Monday through Friday, 6:30-8pm
In-person visits weekends, Saturday and Sunday, 2:00-3:30pm
Zoom visits available and encouraged – email: [email protected]
Masks must be worn.
All personal items must be left in car or locked up in the lobby upon arrival, including keys and phones.
No outside food or drinks.
Visit lengths are subject to space availability and are guaranteed at least 15 minutes with patient.
Visitation Policy:
- The patient’s attorneys shall be permitted to visit without limitation.
- The patient’s personal clergy shall be permitted to visit without limitation.
- Guardians (including parents of patients under 19) may visit without limitation.
- Visitors must be 17 years of age or older. (Family therapy session members are not considered visitors for the purpose of this policy). Visits with individuals 17 years or younger must be accompanied by an adult, approved, and prearranged by the treatment team.
- All items brought in by visitors for the patients shall be inspected by staff prior to going to the unit. Visitors will be accompanied by staff to the unit.
- Visitors are required to present picture identification. The receptionist must verify the visitor’s identity prior to providing the visitor with a pass.
- The visitor must sign in and out at the front desk and obtain a visitor’s pass from the receptionist.
- Visitors will be given a copy of the contraband list.
- Visitors are not permitted to take any coats, bags, purses, backpacks, cell phones, or any contraband into visiting areas. Items must be either left in the car or placed in a locker provided in the lobby.
- Contraband items include a camera, lighters, matches, cigarettes, pens, pencils, or other sharp objects, tape recorders, cell phones, plastic bags, cords, weapons, food, beverages, gum, and tattooing or piercing supplies.
- When a visitor would like to bring in food, it must be approved and prearranged by the treatment team. The food must be from a restaurant.
- The expectation of visitors of HBM is for the visitors to remain good community members. Use of appropriate language, attire, and sobriety are required.
- Visitors are not allowed in the patient rooms at any time.
- Visitors are to be escorted to and from the visiting space by staff.
- All visits are supervised.
Pickup and Discharge
If you are picking up a discharging patient, please wait in your car and call the receptionist at 844-319-0000. Hospital staff will walk the discharging patient out of the hospital to the awaiting car.
Please do NOT drop off any items to the hospital without speaking to a member of the patients care team.